How to assess your risk of metabolic diseases

Interested in learning how to identify your risks of metabolic diseases?

In this article, you'll discover 2 easy ways to identify your risks of metabolic disease without spending a dime or any medical assistance.

Back in 2018, while practicing as a physician, I developed elevated blood pressure and blood cholesterol because I neglected these 2 indicators.

These 2 indicators are easy to measure, but most people don’t know about their importance.

2 metabolic disease risk indicators

1. Waist Circumference: You Can Use A Measuring Tape To Measure Your Waist Circumference.

Here’s How ToMeasure Your Waist Circumference

  • Remove any clothing around the abdomen and hips.
  • Hold the tape measure between the top of the hipbone and the bottom of the ribs.
  • Breathe out normally.
  • Bring the tape around the waist.
  • Do not hold the tape too tight and ensure the tape measure is straight around the back

Here are the normal values for waist circumference:

● For men, the normal waist circumference is less than 40 inches or 102 cm

● For women, the normal waist circumference is less than 35 inches or 88cm.

2. Body Mass Index(BMI): This is a clinical index of your body's fat proportion. You can calculate it easily using an online BMI calculator. The

normal BMI is less than 25kg/m2.

NOTE: Remember, your waist circumference has a stronger impact in increasing your risk of metabolic disease than your calculated BMI alone.

In summary, cultivate the habit of checking these 2 indicators regularly to identify your metabolic disease risk early.

Action steps

Measure and determine your BMI with the link below

CDC BMI Calculator

Talk Soon,

Dr Vecoh (MD, ACE-certified Health Coach and Behaviour Change Expert)

Dr Vecoh Lifestyle Wellness and Behaviour Reset

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