3 Lifestyle Wellness Habits You Must Know

It is already 7 months into 2024.(Time flies!!!!)

Are you crushing your health goals yet?

If not, the solution lies in creating healthy habits.

Today’s newsletter is to remind you…It is all about the little things that count, but we ignore them.

For example, a few years ago, while practicing as a primary care physician, I was also guilty of ignoring the little things and common sense practices.

I had poor eating habits, inadequate sleep, and did not manage work stress properly.

Guess what??

I paid the price for my health- my blood pressure became elevated and and I developed belly fat.

The irony was this…

I was a doctor but still did not practice healthy lifestyle guidelines.

While considering what I would share today, I decided to share the habits I should have created while working as a doctor.

Here are the top 3 lifestyle behaviors professional workers and entrepreneurs must turn into a habit

Habit #1: Incorporate Movement

The first habit is one we all know but often overlook: movement.

Notice how I didn't say 'exercise'? That's because any form of movement counts! It could be a morning jog, dancing, etc. The key is consistency—aim for at least 30 minutes of movement every day.

Habit #2: Manage Stress Properly

Find a stress relief technique that works for you—maybe it's yoga, meditation, or even just reading a good book.

If you struggle with stress of any kind, you can learn from my interviews with stress and wellness experts.

I have been practicing the ideas from the interview to manage my current stress. We can not avoid stress but only learn to manage it.

Click here to learn proven tips to help build stress resilience daily

Habit #3: Ensure Quality Sleep

Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Create a sleep-friendly environment—keep your room dark, cool, and quiet, and try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

How to Create a Lifestyle Wellness Habit

I coach my clients to focus on making incremental lifestyle changes until they reach a threshold that will help them achieve their health goals.

Just like how patients take medications for life when dealing with diseases, creating a lifestyle wellness habit can work similarly to medicine to decrease disease risk.

You need the following 3 components to create a wellness habit:

1 Cue: To remind you to engage in the new healthy behavior

2. Routine: Act on the new healthy behaviour

3. Reward: To motivate you to keep going, especially in the early phase.

Behavior change is a process.

That is why I use my ACE method and the habit loop process, which are both science-backed, to help my clients change unhealthy behaviours.

Your lifestyle can be your medicine if you make it a habit.

It is like brushing your teeth- it becomes automatic with consistency.

Be patient with yourself, and remember mastering behavior change is the best way to prevent diseases and illnesses.


Struggling to get started with a healthy lifestyle? Watch the video below to learn how

How to start a healthy lifestyle

Talk Soon,

Dr Vecoh (MD, ACE-certified Health Coach and Behaviour Change Expert)


Here are ways I can help you:

  1. https://tidycal.com/drvecoh/intro-meetingPS: If you are enjoying this weekly newsletter, please reply to let me know. I want to hear from you. Your kind words are appreciated and support the time and efforts I spend to research and prepare for the newsletter.

Dr Vecoh Lifestyle Wellness and Behaviour Reset

Subscribe here to get my newsletter where I provide insight, tools, and information (plus a bit of inspiration) on how to change unhealthy behaviours and habits that cause mental stress, insomnia, fatigue and lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and obesity. I use my decade of clinical experience and coaching skills to share practical insights suitable for professionals and entrepreneurs. I share research-based health & wellness tips, self-care, and lifestyle change ideas. Enter your best email to subscribe now to my newsletter. (You can unsubscribe at any time.)

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